Do We Comprehend?

The word comprehend comes from the Latin word comprehendere. Com means to be one or together. Prehendere means to grasp, take in, or embrace. To know something is to embrace it and become one with it, to become something we deeply believe in.

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Brett Pinegar
Be Strong to Be Useful

As I read the words "Be Strong to Be Useful," a blast of crisp mountain air ripped through my mind and cleared out more than a few laggardly cobwebs. Am I strong enough to be useful? What weaknesses are getting in the way of my usefulness?

Who was Georges Hébert and why did he said, “Être fort pour être utile” or “Be strong to be useful”?

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Action, PrinciplesBrett Pinegar
Be Conscious

I love old school wisdom! So many new ideas are actually just rediscovered wisdom from the ancients. One of my favorite books is As a Man Thinketh by James Allen. I've read it more than a hundred times. The book was first published in 1903 and itself flows from the the work of Emerson, the Bible, the Bhagavad Gita, the writings of Rumi, and of several Greek philosophers.

The essence of the book is probably best captured by...

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